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A Farm Share subscription gets the farm’s freshest produce to you every week (or every other week). It includes vegetables, herbs, and fruits, picked and packed within 24 hours. Our produce travels a very short distance to your table. Because it is the freshest it can be, it keeps longer in your care and packs more nutrients than high-mileage food.

By purchasing a subscription, you help support the seeds and labor that lead to the harvest - and then you share in the abundance. Our Summer/Fall CSA begins in July and goes through November.

We can grow varieties you will not find at the grocery store - whether that’s white sweet potatoes, heirloom tomatoes, or certain hot peppers. 

Clean, Healthy, & Whole

New Cahokia Commons Urban Farm and our farm entrepreneurs and partners refuse to use toxic chemicals on our land and food. Instead, we partner with nature, maintain vigilance, keep our crops healthy, and nurture an ecosystem with biodiversity and ecological richness. When needed, we treat crops with products approved by organic growing standards (OMRI-certified).

We make room for many other species to have a place, including pollinators and predators. We protect water and soil quality, knowing that healthy food grows from healthy soil.

We go beyond sustainability and aim for regeneration - for a holistic, healed community on the land and for its people.

We prefer to grow heirloom varieties of fruits and vegetables that our ancestors have nurtured and enjoyed for generations. We prioritize flavor and nutrition.

Let’s Grow